Hey guys!
Time to update on the present...my last blog was all about what had happened in the last 8 months but now it's time for the more recent shet.hahaha
ANYWAY....i am supposed to be writing a paper and studying for a spanish quiz...yeah obviously that's not happening if im writing this.
i hate it. im tired all the time. im working right after school. im writing paper after paper and studying for tests and quizzes. I am about to explode. Obviously it's back to the real world. I now attend College of Charleston and it's growing on me. I do miss all my Winthrop friends though. My professors are really cool though but the workload is insane. and i guess this is the place to vent so here it goes...WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING WITH MY LIFE?
i just got back from the ship and yes im going to school but for what? ive changed my major 3 times and taking hard ass classes that idk if i even need.
TRUTH IS: it's a lot of pressure trying to explain your future to EVERYONE who asks. and people ask me ALL day every day..."So what are you doing now??"
Being who i am, i try to over achieve but now i dont know what im trying to over achieve and it freaks me the fack out. I always have a plan...but for once in my life i dont. and im scurd. YES SCURD. I take jobs, school work, extra credit stuff that i think i can do but end up tiring me out.
Dance is still a huge part of my life but let's be smart now.That, just in case something happens scenario that every adult tells me. I need a back up. and right now I am still trying to find out what that is. and ill let you know when i find out.